Under the director of the Institute, an Academic Council of the Institute is created, consisting of project and sector leaders, as well as prominent and leading experts in the legal field. The Academic Council of the Institute is the highest body of the Institute. It is an advisory body and acts in accordance with the Charter.
The Academic Council participates in the scientific, organizational and financial activities of the Institute, in discussing the expenses of the Institute support fund, makes proposals for material incentives and assistance to employees, and controls the timely execution of work.
The Academic Council of the Institute is formed by the Director, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Director for positions, Scientific Secretary, heads of departments, project managers, chief researchers, as well as the chairman of the trade union organization and the chairman of the Council of Young Scientists.
In accordance with the position of the director of the institute, the chairman of the Academic Council is the chairman, in the absence of the director, the chairmanship of the Academic Council is assigned to his place of work, the scientific secretary of the institute is the secretary of the Academic Council.
Scientific Council of the Institute:
approves the "road map" of the institute, which includes a set of measures designed for the short, medium and long term;
considers plans for the publication of scientific papers and finished scientific products, training programs, grants and projects, organizational issues for holding councils and conferences;
considers and evaluates important results of scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the institute, reports of departments;
discusses and approves issues related to the transformation of the structural structure of the Institute;
identifies important scientific problems, discusses scientific topics and focuses on the entire work of the institute;
discusses issues of coordination and creative cooperation with other scientific institutions;
considers and approves the topics of the dissertations of the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Technical Sciences;
listens to reports on the work of heads of research departments, graduate students and independent researchers;
discusses issues related to the training and advanced training of scientific personnel, regularly hears information from scientists about the training of scientific personnel;
discusses the problems of integrating legal sciences and education;
observes well-known scientific works and their authors for state awards in the field of science and technology, as well as awards and special signs named after outstanding scientists, recommends the scientists of the institute to receive honorary titles and other awards .;
comes out with a proposal to give scientific titles to the Higher Attestation Commission;
confers the title of "Honorary Doctor of the State Legal Institute" to citizens of Uzbekistan and abroad who have achieved great results in the field of legal sciences or have provided great assistance to the Institute;
confirms the plan of scientific publications of the institute;
recommends publishing scientific works of the Institute's scientists.
The Academic Council, with the participation of 2/3 of its members in the meeting, is authorized to make decisions.
If the issue under consideration does not require a secret ballot, then decisions are made by open ballot.